WTF NISSAN?! and Making Doctors Appointments
1. It is still hot as hell outside - like, I went from brown to brown and crispy in a matter of minutes today. Y'all ever had pork rinds? #myskin
2. I took my car in (because the dealership did everything BUT what I asked), got my car back and do you know what, the wheel is still vibrating?!?!?!!
3. The people at Publix now greet me as a friend because they literally see me everyday, lol. This is nice - they were scowling at first which was . . . slightly unpleasant
4. Since I'm on vacation, I thought I would make all of the obligatory doctor's appointments (dentist, general practitioner, gastroenterologist, etc). Do you know what the first question was without fail? The question, unapologetically, was "Do you have health insurance?" followed by a "we don't accept that" and finally a "we're booked until the end of the year."
So much for trying to take care of my health :-/
5. Today was a bit trying, so I bought this older woman her groceries (it was 20 bucks) - she thought she was being punk'ed at first, but after I assured her that all I wanted to do was something nice and random and nice, she started to shout (very loudly) and gave me a hug in the store. This turned my day around because it was kind of poopy until this point (thus the need for the gastroenterologist).
Being a house husband is exhausting! And I still haven't done the ironing, Jean Thomas Woynicki - lol - yes, we have been wrinkled our entire time in Tampa, but TOMORROW I conquer the board of iron!