laundry day and where the F@&$ is FEDEX?!
Today was the big day! I was looking forward to receiving a brand spanking new IMAC from the FEDEX man. I signed up for text alerts and on the first day, got three from three different numbers. Do you know how many text messages I got today on the day I was supposed to receive the package? Exactly one - telling me the driver attempted to deliver my package - but girl, why couldn‘t you just text me when you were outside? Where was I, you ask? In the house - on the couch - waiting for a doorbell or something.
Sounds too much like right, I suppose. Now I got to go to Walgreens to pick up my computer. #HeyAmurika
Adding to the stress of this day was the fact that it was laundry day today. So . . . My husband normally does the laundry. He is an expert at it - and like most experts, does not like us mere mortals (that‘s me) doing it at all. He separates the colors from the whites - but he also separates undergarments from everything else. THEN - there is a special detergent for each pile of clothes. The black clothes have black detergent (racist) . . . There is even a special temperature (not just cold/warm/hot) for each pile.
Okay - so I‘m freaking out because today - as super duper house husband, I am doing the laundry. And . . . I did it, but we are in an airbnb so I have to figure out how to hang dry the clothes because, no, most of the clothes are not allowed to go into the dryer.
Where are the clothes hanging, you ask? Everywhere, lol! In the bathroom, in the bedroom, on the hat rack - I thought I was being clever but it looks kind of hood, lol.
I have to take a moment and shout out all the other house wives and house husbands of the world because I was fully exhausted by the end of all of this.
So as soon as I finished, I scheduled another massage and mani/pedi for tomorrow - because mama is werking hard, okurrrr!
A special note on Tampa: ma‘am, what are you giving? We are physically in the south but this ain‘t the south. People aren‘t friendly. No one says hello. There‘s all kinds of diversity but nobody seems to like it. We certainly aren’t the only gays in the village so where is our rainbow colored welcome mat?! Am I trippin? Is this just a Florida thing?