The Wonderful Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Part 1

The Wonderful Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Part 1

Hey y’all,

We are going to Universal Studios tomorrow because . . . why not?!

I’ll tell you why we probably shouldn’t:

  1. These tickets are fucking expensive

  2. because . . . people

  3. food costs as much as the tickets apparently

  4. And because we are gigantic children, we are going to buy everything!

Now, here’s the deal: I LOVE anything Harry Potter. I have read the series all the way through at least half a dozen times. I’ve watched all of the movies. My husband took me to a Harry Potter pop-up experience in Berlin and it was the best date ever!

So . . . I’m ready . . . but my dear husband hasn’t been on a rollercoaster since he was 13 years old. If you think I’m funny, I can’t wait to show you the video of him tomorrow, lol!

Now, after having bought these tickets and knowing just how broke we were growing up, I am sitting here trying to figure out how my parents paid for four human beings to go to this park for a week?!?!

We can JUST BARELY afford one day - and if we stayed one more day, mama (that’s me - not to be confused with my mother) would be out here asking Spiderman if he was looking for a good time. Low-key, Captain Marvel could get the business with that short haircut.

Anyway - I’ve got to log off because I need the next 12 hours to prepare my spirit to be around a hundred thousand tourists. My God . . . I’m a masochist.

More on that next time,

Your friendly neighborhood House Husband

The Gays Go to Hogwarts

The Gays Go to Hogwarts

I really don't know what I'm doing :-/

I really don't know what I'm doing :-/