45 things that need to stay in 2020

45 things that need to stay in 2020

  1. the Rona

  2. Zoom Calls

  3. Webex Meetings

  4. white wine

  5. bottom shelf liquor

  6. Variations on traditional Mac and Cheese

  7. Pop - the correct word is obviously “Coke” but I’ll also accept “Soda”

  8. anyone who refuses to wear a mask

  9. Mumble rap

  10. Using Wall Street as a metric for the health of the economy

  11. Virginia State Taxes

  12. Pumpkin Pie (it MUST be sweet potato)

  13. All this weight I’ve gained

  14. economy class seating

  15. ashy elbows

  16. dairy

  17. bad barbeque

  18. bad customer service

  19. bad tips

  20. bad customers / patrons

  21. Working at an office

  22. anything smaller than a king size bed

  23. frequent flyer miles

  24. conspiracy theories

  25. haircuts at home

  26. police brutality

  27. racism

  28. exploitation of the working class

  29. halitosis

  30. anyone who does not use an electric toothbrush

  31. killer hornets

  32. oatmeal raisin cookies

  33. Billy Porter’s flats

  34. onlyfans

  35. mysogynoir

  36. using words like “mysogynoir”

  37. cancel culture

  38. them high ass prices at Disney World

  39. J.K. Rowling

  40. transphobia

  41. wire hangers

  42. not paying artists what they are worth

  43. not supporting the arts

  44. hotels without air conditioning

  45. . . . obviously

Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

On the first day of Christmas . . .

On the first day of Christmas . . .