45 things that need to stay in 2020
the Rona
Zoom Calls
Webex Meetings
white wine
bottom shelf liquor
Variations on traditional Mac and Cheese
Pop - the correct word is obviously “Coke” but I’ll also accept “Soda”
anyone who refuses to wear a mask
Mumble rap
Using Wall Street as a metric for the health of the economy
Virginia State Taxes
Pumpkin Pie (it MUST be sweet potato)
All this weight I’ve gained
economy class seating
ashy elbows
bad barbeque
bad customer service
bad tips
bad customers / patrons
Working at an office
anything smaller than a king size bed
frequent flyer miles
conspiracy theories
haircuts at home
police brutality
exploitation of the working class
anyone who does not use an electric toothbrush
killer hornets
oatmeal raisin cookies
Billy Porter’s flats
using words like “mysogynoir”
cancel culture
them high ass prices at Disney World
J.K. Rowling
wire hangers
not paying artists what they are worth
not supporting the arts
hotels without air conditioning
. . . obviously